Odor Detection

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Odor Detection

Get the Smell Out

Having an odor in your home can be a nuisance. It wont go away on its own. 

We can help

Starting with setting your sewer system up to be pressurized we introduce a non toxic smoke that will find it's way out of the smallest of openings. If smoke can make it's way out then so can odors. After finding the source of the problem it is repaired and a second smoke test can be performed to ensure there are no other places odor can be escaping.

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Our team of plumbing specialists are is equipped, trained, and licensed to handle the initial installation, maintenance, and other vital services related to your tank or tankless water heater. Bio Remedies is a full-service plumbing company, so don’t hesitate to reach out to us no matter what kind of plumbing concern or project you are facing. When it comes to water heater repair in El Paso, TX, be sure to call us or fill out the form right away.

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